Expert Marketing Tips for Financial Advisors

Marketing Tips for Financial Advisor Seeking To Grow Their Portfolio

As a financial advisor, growing your portfolio of clients is an essential part of the job. While asking existing clients for referrals is one strategy, it has the potential to make clients uncomfortable. Instead, consider alternative tactics for getting new business:

Host Client+1 Appreciation Events

Hosting quarterly or bi-annual events for existing clients shows your appreciation while also allowing their guests—who could become potential new clients—to meet you in a relaxed setting. Make it clear that attendees can feel free to bring a guest. Following up with someone you’ve met in person is more professional than a cold call.

Identify Influential Existing Clients

Pay attention to clients who actively make referrals or write reviews. Consider sending them a personalized email noting their VIP status in your client base and that you only take on new clients referred by this select group. This makes them feel valued and is a more subtle way of indicating your interest in introductions.

Leverage Social Media

Platforms like LinkedIn, YouTube, and TikTok allow efficient sharing of bite-sized, informative content to a wide audience simultaneously. Consider posting short videos with financial planning tips or market updates relevant to many of your clients. Share across platforms and include links in your email newsletters to generate more views, followers, and potential leads. Remember to keep your client target audience in mind. Make sure the social media platform is where your prospects and clients gather.

Attend Local Networking Events

In-person chamber events allow you to connect with other professionals in your region. You can also network online via LinkedIn groups for your city. Answering questions and engaging with posts displays your name and expertise to many local contacts simultaneously. You can create your own networking event by hosting an online money management educational webinar. Webinars reach those unable to attend in-person.

Specialize in a Specific Niche

Consider focusing your practice area, such as wealth building for Gen Z and Millennials. Many will be receiving wealth transfers from their baby boomer parents and may not have the established relationships or behaviors of their parents. Specialization can differentiate you, increase expertise, and allow more targeted, efficient marketing outreach.

The key is utilizing diverse yet strategic approaches to marketing and client engagement. Ultimately, the most successful efforts build lasting client relationships grounded in trust and consistently delivered value. If you find yourself needing help, click here to schedule a free consultation to develop a roadmap for the future.

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