Google Ad Extensions Explained

Google Ad Extensions.  What are they?  If you are a growth oriented business or a marketer, you are likely familiar with the benefits Google Ads.

Google Ad Extensions are an often overlooked by essential part of every ad campaign.  The video below provides an overview of some of the different types of extensions, as well as why and how you should be using them.  Need help with planning a campaign, email us with your questions.  

How Do Google Ad Extensions Improve Your Ad Performance

With extensions, ads gain more prominent listing and often perform better because of it – which means more eyes on your ad and a higher ROI.  Also note that certain extensions are more appropriate for certain goals.  So make sure to give it some thoughts.

Google explains:

“By adding more content to your ad, extensions give your ad greater visibility and prominence on the search results page. That means you tend to get a higher ROI from your ad. Extensions often increase your total number of clicks, and can give people additional, interactive ways of reaching you—as with maps or calls.”

Extensions expand your ad with additional information—giving people more reasons to choose your business. They typically increase an ad’s click-through-rate by several percentage points. Extension formats include call buttons, location information, links to specific parts of your website, additional text, and more.

How they work

To maximize the performance of your text ads, Google Ads selects which extensions to show in response to each individual search on Google. For that reason, it’s a good idea to use all the extensions relevant to your business goals.

By adding more content to your ad, extensions give your ad greater visibility and prominence on the search results page. That means you tend to get more value from your ad. Extensions often increase your total number of clicks, and can give people additional, interactive ways of reaching you—as with maps or calls.

When extensions show

Extensions show with your ad when:

      • The extension (or combination of extensions) is predicted to improve your performance.
      • Your ad’s position and Ad Rank is high enough for extensions to show. To show extensions, Google Ads requires a minimum Ad Rank. 


There’s no cost to add extensions to your campaign. Clicks on your ad (including your extension) will be charged as usual. (The exception is clicks on seller ratings, which are not charged.) So you’re charged for a click when someone calls you from a call extension or when someone downloads your app from an app extension. 

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